God’s Strength in my Weakness


“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you.  I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10  (NLT)

I have endearing names for our dog, Buster.  “Mouse hunter” is just one of many.  Buster has a knack for finding field mice that, while searching for hydration in the hot summer months, have fallen into our pool and drowned.  His keen sense of smell leads me right to them.

One afternoon I thought Buster’s nose was playing tricks as he kept running back and forth along the pools’ edge.  He was on a serious mouse hunt even though there seemed to be no rodent in sight.  As I headed back toward the house something caught my eye.  Sure enough, my mouse hunter was right!  I spotted a little, brown mouse in the middle of the pool.  The poor fella had fallen in but managed to swim to the safety of the vacuum hose.  Even though I’m not big on saving mice, this tiny one looked so helpless.  I took a quick picture (he was pretty cute), rescued him with the skimming net, and gently lowered him down on the outside wall of our yard.

Recently, I read a devotional from the book, Jesus Calling.  Author, Sarah Young, wrote:  “Bring me your weakness, and receive My peace.  Accept yourself and your circumstances just as they are, remembering that I am sovereign over everything.  Do not wear yourself out with analyzing and planning.  Instead, let thankfulness and trust be your guides through this day.”  My mouse photo came to mind.

There have been times when I felt like that mouse; stranded and feeling helpless, or unsure of my future considering the circumstances.  Fortunately, I don’t have to rely on the sharp senses of a cavalier to discover me in my distress.  Drawing on His sovereign knowledge, God knows exactly where I am and is always willing to intercede on my behalf.  It’s up to me to reach out and grasp His reassuring hand.

Oh, the lessons I can learn from creatures big and small!

Hope and patience, thankfulness and trust;  these are God’s strengths in my weakness.