“He was handed over to die because of our sins, and he was raised to life to make us right with God.” Romans 4:25 (NLT)
Easter Sunday is conceivably one of the most well-attended church services of the year; it ranks right up there with Christmas! While Christmas is the season for celebrating the birth of Christ, Easter upholds scriptural prophesy that Christ would rise from the grave on the third day after His death. For Christians, the resurrection of Christ is the single most important event in history and the cornerstone on which Christianity is based. God’s immeasurable love for us is demonstrated through the sacrifice of His only Son to reconcile our sins and offer the gift of eternal life.
This is the good-news story of Easter, but how can it change my life?
In 2004, I bought advance-sale tickets through Saddleback Church to watch Mel Gibson’s, The Passion of the Christ. I distinctly remember coming out of the theater emotionally exhausted after witnessing His merciless crucifixion. This year, I recorded the History channel’s epic new series, The Bible, to watch together with my family. Once again, with tears streaming down my face I struggled through the scenes depicting Jesus’ death on the cross. Glancing over at my teenagers, I expected to see their knowing looks of, “Yep, Mom’s at it again. Crying over a TV show.” Contrary to my belief, their expressions mirrored my own anguish and sorrow as their minds processed the injustice and brutality of Christ’s death.
Then it hit me. I finally recognized the renewing power of Easter! Christ’s death on the cross would prove personally pointless if I failed to transform my life under the ever-watchful eyes of my family. Knowing that Christ gave His life for my sins and salvation, I should gladly do my part in honoring this covenant with God.
The images of Jesus’ suffering will linger on in my heart and provide inescapable motivation for living a Christ-centered life. I silently say a prayer of thanks, praising Him for the unconditional love He lavished on me.
This is the good-news story of Easter. Will it stimulate change in your life?